
Handmade Owl Stamp

I recently saw a tutorial link on one of my favorite blogs, Dollar Store Crafts. The article linked to Obsessively Stitching's post on how to make handmade rubber stamps! Well I had some spare easers on hand and I decided to try out this craft. I am currently obssessed with owls! I even want to decorate my future classroom (currently a teaching major) with owls. Well I carved out the design with a tack and a loom hook. I do not have the cuticle remover that the blog suggests. This is a fun crafts. I suggest it! I may make some more stamps, who knows! Haha, thank you and Happy Vetrans Day!
Yours in DIY-Glory,


  1. How cute! Instead of the cuticle cutter, you could use a zester, or just use a knife and cut a V shaped cut. Hard to explain, but I can explain further if you want.

  2. Hahaha, does seem hard to explain, but I am interested.
