
Upcycled Cat-Scratch Post

Well my family has 2 very playful kittens and my sister and I decided to make a scratching post for them. We went to GoodWill and bought a $3 cabinet then covered it with carpet left over from my parents' house. The hardest thing was cutting the board for the bottom. I found a piece of wood at my father's house, but had no knowledge of how to use his power tools. I ended up using a hand saw and gravity (my sister kicked the piece apart) to cut it. The whole thing was pulled together with a nail gun. It was a blast to make and you can not argue with a $3 cat scratch post! The kitten in the picture is our girl cat, Harlow, she is the main occupant of the scratch post.
Yours in DIY Glory,


Batman Afghan

If you are like a good portion of Americans you were swept up in the hype of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Thousands of people suddenly became Batman fans, while the die-hards fans complained that they were just doing what was "in". My boyfriend is one of those complaining die-hard fans. Haha, I know it is rather early, but I crocheted this Batman afghan as his Christmas present. I purchased this pattern from Cozy Concepts on etsy. That shop is WONDERFUL! There are so many patterns and if you buy 2 patterns you get one free.
I really LOVE this afghan, this is the first BIG crochet project I have ever done. I also used (mostly) Caron Eco Soft yarn (black and red) and Caron Simply Soft yarn (grey). It is hard to believe how comfy this afghan is. I am quite pleased with this afghan. I am not sure what my next afghan will be, but they sure are fun to make and rewarding at the end.

Yours in DIY Glory,


Cross Stitched Green Bags

I am very very new to cross stitching. I saw all the
supplies at JoAnn's and decided to try out cross stitching. There is some BEAUTIFUL cross stitching examples online and I felt inspired!! Well I cross stitched the orange ghostie from Pac-Man on the green bag. It made the green bag seem a bit more personalized. Now remember this is like my first try. Hopefully this is something that will come to me over time. If anyone has any links to cross stitch patterns or tutorials I would LOVE to see them!

Yours in Noob-Glory,


Cali-Cat Amigurumi With Original Pattern

Cali-Cat Amigurumi With Original Pattern
Well I decided to write an original cat crochet amigurumi pattern. It was amazing to me how few cat patterns are out there. This pattern is makes a tiny cat that is perfect for a nice gift. I used Suncatcher eyes and nose. If you have not checked out Suncatcher eyes (http://www.suncatchereyes.com/) you really need to! They are wonderful and look a thousand times better than felt (in my opinion). They are great! This is called a “Cali-Cat” because made this cat for a friend named Calinda.

Cali-Cat Crochet Pattern
Hook: 3.5mmYarn
I used: Red Heart Super Saver White
Extras I used: Suncatcher Eyes 9mm & 12mm nose, Ribbon for a neck bow

Head (White Yarn)
Ch 2
Rnd 1: Sc 4 into stitch furtherer from the hook [4]
Rnd 2: Sc 2 in every stitch [8]
Rnd 3: *Sc 1 in first st, Sc 2 in the next st* repeat around[12]
Rnd 4: *Sc 1 in 2 sts, Sc 2 in the next st* repeat around [16]
Rnd 5-Rnd 6: Sc 1 in every st [16]
If you have clip on face accessories you can attach them now, or in the next round
Rnd 7: *Sc 1 in 2 sts, Sc 2 tog* repeat around [12]
Stuff head now, or after the next round
Rnd 8: *Sc 1 in 1 st, Sc 2 tog* repeat around [8]
Rnd 9: *Sc 2 tog* around [4]
F/O leaving a tail to sew

Body (White Yarn)

Ch 2
Rnd 1: Sc 4 into stitch furtherer from the hook [4]
Rnd 2; Sc 2 into every st repeat around[8]
Rnd 3: *Sc 1 in 1 st, Sc 2 in next st* repeat around[12]
Rnd 4: *Sc 1 in 2 sts, Sc 2 in next st* repeat around[16]
Rnd 5: *Sc 1 in 3 sts, Sc 2 in the next st* repeat around[20]
Rnd 6: Sc 1 in every stitch [20]
Rnd 7: *Sc 1 in 3 st, Sc 2 tog* repeat around[16]
Rnd 8: *Sc 1 in 2 sts, Sc 2 tog* repeat around[12]
Rnd 9: *Sc 1 in 1 sts, Sc 2 tog* repeat around[8]
Rnd 10: *Sc 2 tog* repeat around [4]
F/O Weave in Yarn

Legs (Make 4) (White Yarn)

Ch 2
Rnd 1: Sc 4 into stitch furtherer from the hook [4]
Rnd 2: *Sc 1 in 1 st, Sc 2 in next st* repeat around[6]
Rnd 3-Rnd 4: Sc 1 in every stitch [6]
If you are using a thick yarn you may find that you do not need to stuff the legs.
F/o with a tail to sew

Ch 15 F/o

Assembly: Sew all the pieces together. For the tail you may need a little hot glue to secure it. Cut out two triangles for ear. Glue them to the cat’s head. I added a bow around the kitty’s neck. You can add whiskers and other features if you would like.
If you find any problems or have suggestions for this pattern please comment and tell me.

Yours in DIY Glory,


New Chenille Plant

One of my newest DIY project is my front porch area. Half of my porch is screened in, I wanted to add some color and elegance to that part of my porch. I had to consider the amount of light the plant would get. The woman at ACE Harware told me about this lovely Chenille. I think it is the wackiest looking thing. Definitely a conversational piece. I could play many poisonous caterpillar pranks with this baby. I love it. I think it brings a lot of character to my porch. Hopefully I will find many more awesome plants! Please, if you have any suggestions please send them in a comment. (I live in Jax, FL so it is humid and hot)

Yours in DIY Glory,


Rabbit Rabbit White Rabbit

When I was little Nickelodeon use to show tiny segments (probably less than a minute) about different holidays. I only remember two of those segments. I remember when they did Christmas and I remember Rabbit Rabbit day. In the segment they said that some people believed that if you say "Rabbit Rabbit" first thing when you wake up at the beginning of a month, you would have good luck for the rest of the month. After, probably 13 years, I finally looked up Rabbit Rabbit day. According to wikipedia it is thought to have originated around the 1800s. The most common way the superstition is seen is saying either "Rabbit Rabbit White Rabbit" or "Rabbit Rabbit" at the beginning of each month for luck. [Read the entire article]

Well today is Oct. 1, 2009 and today I have bunnies on the brain. I casually told my father today that it was Rabbit-Rabbit Day and he said he never heard of it before. I explained to him what I remembered from the Nickelodeon special and researched the rest. I decided today to do a bunny craft!

Here is that bunny craft! This is only the 2nd time I have decoupaged. I think I sprayed the gloss too close to the tile, hence the spots. Live and learn =] I cut out a bunny silhouette on regular printer paper and the background is construction paper. I decoupaged them to a $0.29 tile I found at Goodwill! It is currently drying in this picture. Hopefully it will look much nicer tomorrow when it is done. Sorry for the glare.

Yours in chalking-it-up-to experience glory,